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School Council

School Council

At Lakeview Public School, we believe that parents are important and make a real difference to children's learning. When parents are involved children do better and achieve more. School Council allows everyone involved in school life - parents, learners, teachers, school staff and the wider community to work together to support the school. It also allows all parents to have a say in their children's education by affording the opportunity to express their views and ideas.

The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for communication and cooperation between parents, the community, and the school, as well as to recognize the shared responsibility between home and school to provide the best educational environment possible for Lakeview students.

Parents are an important, vital partner to whom we owe much gratitude for their tireless effort in contributing to the physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, and emotional well being of our Lakeview family. All parents are welcome at Council meetings and as volunteers for the many activities at Lakeview.

If you have any questions or concerns for School Council or to inquire about becoming a member of our school council, please call Lakeview Public School at 905-945-5427, or send an email click here

Co-Chairs - J. Dunne, M. Malig

Secretary - L. Moar

Minutes - January 2025

Minutes - October 2024

Minutes - September 2024​​​​​​​